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「iBreviarium 我靈讚頌主」 – 內有每日彌撒讀經和福音;每日晨禱,日禱,晚禱和夜禱文;舊約和新約聖經;多類九日敬禮經文等。由慈幼會梁啟光神父開發。
香港聖安多尼堂 (St. Anthony’s Church)
香港天主教聖母無原罪主教座堂 (The Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception)
聖方濟各堂 (St. Francis of Assisi Church)
天神之后堂 (Our Lady Queen of Angels Church)
聖若翰堂 (St. John The Baptist Church)
西環聖母玫瑰堂 (Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kennedy Town)
沙田聖歐爾發堂 (St.Alfred Church, Shatin)
九龍灣聖若瑟堂 (St.Joseph’s Church – Kowloon Bay)
柴灣海星堂 (Star of the Sea Church)
聖母聖衣堂 (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church)
善導之母堂 (Mother of Good Counsel Church)
露德聖母堂 (Our Lady of Lourdes Church)
聖瑪加利大堂 (St. Margaret Mary’s Church)
聖瑪竇宗徒堂 (St. Matthew the Apostle Church)
聖母領報堂 (Church of the Annunciation)
屯門贖世主堂 (Holy Redeemer Church, Tuen Mun)
聖若望宗徒堂 (St. John The Apostle Church)
粉嶺聖若瑟堂 (St. Joseph’s Church Fanling)
葛達二聖堂 (Ss. Cosmas and Damian Church)
大埔聖母無玷之心堂 (Immaculate Heart of Mary Church)